Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Art Linkletter Was Right...

Kids say the darnedest things.

When Daughter #1 was young, we were diligent parents and only let her watch PBS. One evening we were sitting on the couch watching a show about bears. My daughter laid her head against my shoulder and sighed. She said, "Mommy, when I die, I want to come back as a bear." I asked her why and she said, "So I can hyperventilate all winter!"

My daughters are sixteen years apart. By the time Daughter #2 came along, we were too tired to be so diligent. She and I were in the checkout line at the grocery store when she asked what I bought for dinner. "Liver." I told her. She proceeded to imitate Hanibal Leckter. "I ate his liver with fava beans and a bottle of Cianti. thhhhp, thhhhp, thhhhp, thhhhp!" Ok, ok...husband #2 let her watch it...not me!

My grandchildren got a new fish and a snail for their little aquarium the other day. They each got to name one. The oldest named the fish "Colors" because of the bright spots on its side. When asked what she wanted to name the snail, the three-year-old said, "George Washington!"

A friend of mine told me this story a long time ago. They were sitting around the table and the dad (a pediatrician) was reading the ingredients of a food label. He then declared, "If we keep eating these artificial ingredients, we're just going to become artificial." The little boy was quiet for a moment then said, "Daddy, we're not artificial...we're Jewish!"

If you want to know the truth about something, ask a child. Their honesty is refreshing and they do indeed say the darnedest things!

Be good to each other!


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