Sunday, July 18, 2010

One Funny Chick

"Funny" has so many connotations. For instance, one can be hysterically funny. Another can be three fries short of a Happy Meal which, depending on your degree of sophistication, or inebriation, can also be hysterically funny. Some are only funny when they drink and that's because beer makes them think they're funny. I've been told I'm funny but I don't always know how to take it. Do they really think I'm funny or are they laughing because I'm not wrapped too tight? Are they laughing with me or at me? Who cares? As long as they're laughing, I'm happy!

My mother always told me my mouth would get me in trouble. I told her my mouth couldn't get me "in trouble" because I knew where babies came from. She was right, my mouth got me in trouble. And it has many, many times. There was this one time, at church camp....I was in the pool and there was this pretty little blond girl swimming with me. We were talking and she got all emotional and said, "I think you know why I came here." I gasped and asked her if she was "in trouble". She replied that indeed she was not. She came to get baptized. I guess we know which one of us needed to be at church camp!

We all have times when we only open our mouths to change feet. I was running to catch an elevator one time. I stuck my hand in at the last second and the door popped open. I noticed there were a couple of people on board but I wasn't paying very close attention. As I pushed the button I said, "Boy, that's a good way to lose your arm!" I turned around and there standing before me were not one, but TWO above-the-elbow amputees! It was a very long, quiet ride down I can tell you. Hey, at least I didn't say, "Man, is that what happened to you?" or "Wow, I bet you can get your nails done half price, huh?"

Anyway, I digress. This blog is meant to be a chronicle of events, thoughts, and sometimes stories, leading up to a monumental change my hubby, Dan (aka Mr. Virgo), and I are contemplating next year. We shall see where it leads us!

Take care of each other!



  1. OMG Ginny you ARE funny, and I mean that in the best possible way. I'm so glad you advertized your blog on facebook, otherwise I never would have known just how hysterical you are! Thanks for writing and bringing a smile to my face!


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